Recipes and Rantings from a Self-Confessed Foodie

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Strawberries and Cava

Strawberries and Cava

Summer is with us – time for “Strawberries and Cava”! There is truly nothing more delicious on a sweltering hot summer day than this combination of flavours. To bring out the true strawberry taste, I made a quick and simple syrup mix in which to (read more…)

Roast Chicken with Honey-Drizzled Vegetables

Roast Chicken with Honey-Drizzled Vegetables

Chicken is such a wonderfully versatile meat that can be prepared in so many different ways. For this post, I´ve chosen “Roast chicken with honey-drizzled vegetables”, a simple, one-pot recipe where the chicken juices mingle with the vegetables and, together  with the olive oil, balsamic (read more…)

Smoked Hake Kedgeree

Smoked Hake Kedgeree

The flavours in this smoked hake kedgeree dish go so well together. Be patient when cooking the rice, as you´re looking for a creamy consistency. This is simply one of my favourite fish meals of all times! If you enjoy this recipe, why not try (read more…)

An Introduction to Sausage Making

An Introduction to Sausage Making

  This time I would like to give you an introduction to sausage making at home, as this is absolutely one of my favourite kitchen past-times. If you enjoyed this, perhaps you would like to try another post in the “introduction” series: an introduction to (read more…)

Home-Made Gazpacho

Home-Made Gazpacho

Summer is officially with us, so what better meal to serve up than a delicious, home-made gazpacho. This cold soup loved by the Spanish and served all over the world. With temperatures here in the high 30´s and still rising, this is a perfect soup (read more…)

Creamy Smoked Salmon Pasta

Creamy Smoked Salmon Pasta

Having tried my new smoker once already, I thought it time to give it another try, this time with salmon. The resulting smoked salmon was perfect for a creamy smoked salmon pasta dish. The fish didn´t need brining as it is such an oily fish (read more…)

Spiced Chicken Tagine

Spiced Chicken Tagine

A few years ago, as I was idly leafing through some cookbooks, my interest was piqued by a Moroccan recipe. As we lived in the south of Spain, and no more than three hours from the coast where a ferry can be caught for Morocco, (read more…)

Frikandel Stir Fry

Frikandel Stir Fry

Since I first lived in the Netherlands back in the early 80´s, I´ve been a great lover of Dutch and Indonesian foods. The Dutch have some pretty amazing “fast food” too. One of my favourites is frikandel speciaal, which consists of a deliciously tasty sausage, (read more…)

An Introduction to Smoking Food

An Introduction to Smoking Food

For many years I´ve loved smoked foods, from cheese to salmon and mackerel to gammon and sausages. As most of the smoked versions of these don´t seem to be available in this part of Spain, I decided to do a bit of research into whether (read more…)

Using  Leftovers: Some Ideas

Using Leftovers: Some Ideas

Today, I´d like to give you a couple of examples of how we use up some of our favourite leftovers. Who doesn´t like leftovers? I feel that throwing food away is wasteful, and it only takes a little effort to take some leftovers and create (read more…)

The Sun is Out, It´s Time for Spanish Tapas!

The Sun is Out, It´s Time for Spanish Tapas!

Although we are back to having rain again now, the sun made a brief appearance yesterday, so my wife and I decided to pop outside for a couple of hours and enjoy the weather with a drink. It must be time for Spanish tapas! There (read more…)

Comfort Food for a Sunny May Day in Lockdown Spain

Comfort Food for a Sunny May Day in Lockdown Spain

Welcome to my first blog post! After a couple of weeks of dismal, wet, misty and cloudy weather, the sun has finally made an appearance and the world as I know it has suddenly become a brighter place.So, I have an absolutely delicious dessert for (read more…)