Recipes and Rantings from a Self-Confessed Foodie


Pork Main Dishes

Marinated Pork and Soba Noodle Stir Fry

Marinated Pork and Soba Noodle Stir Fry

On recent visit to a local cash-and-carry I found an Asian food aisle. So, picking up as many ingredients as I could, I´ve tried using some of them in a couple of dishes. This was the first time I had tried soba noodles, and I (read more…)

Slow-cooked Paprika Pork Casserole

Slow-cooked Paprika Pork Casserole

This dish came to mind when we experienced a sudden drop in temperature during October, here in the south of Spain. An unseasonably chilly couple of days meant comfort food! This Slow-cooked Paprika Pork Casserole is a slightly spicy version. Ingredients (serves 6) 1 kg (read more…)

Cornflour Pasta with Creamy Spinach & Bacon

Cornflour Pasta with Creamy Spinach & Bacon

In my last post I showed you how easy it is to make your own Cornflour Tagliatelle, which has so much more flavour than shop-bought. In this post, Cornflour Pasta with Creamy Spinach and Bacon, I´m using some of that pasta accompanied by a simple (read more…)

Sausage and Caramelised Red Onion Quiche

Sausage and Caramelised Red Onion Quiche

Trying to think of another use for the gourmet Italian sausages made a couple of posts ago, and in need of a substantial snack, my wife suggested making a quiche. Being a great lover of caramelised onions, I decided on a sausage and caramelised red (read more…)

Frikandel Stir Fry

Frikandel Stir Fry

Since I first lived in the Netherlands back in the early 80´s, I´ve been a great lover of Dutch and Indonesian foods. The Dutch have some pretty amazing “fast food” too. One of my favourites is frikandel speciaal, which consists of a deliciously tasty sausage, (read more…)