Recipes and Rantings from a Self-Confessed Foodie

Veal Saltimbocca

Veal Saltimbocca

Saltimbocca (literally translated as “jump in the mouth”) is an Italian recipe. You can use chicken, pork, or, my personal favourite, veal. Veal saltimbocca has a wonderfully rich, sumptuous taste and, if prepared well, a deliciously tender texture.


This is definitely one of my favourite dishes.

Ingredients (serves 2)

  • 2 veal escalopes (if the meat is too thick, beat it gently with a rolling pin). You could use pork escalopes or chicken, for a lighter-flavoured, more tender saltimbocca.
  • 6 slices Italian prosciutto (or Spanish serrano, if prosciutto is unavailable)
  • 25 g plain flour
  • black pepper or 5-pepper mix
  • 50 g plus 25 g butter
  • 150 ml vermouth or light sherry
  • 100 ml chicken stock
  • juice from half a lemon, or a decent squirt of “Jif” squeezy lemon juice


  1. Wrap each escalope in 3 slices of prosciutto, covering both sides. Press the escalope to ensure the prosciutto sticks.
  2. Cover each side of the  escalopes with flour, brushing off any excess with your hand, and season well with pepper.
  3. Melt 50 g of the butter in a large pan over a medium heat. Gently place the meat in the butter and fry on each side for 3 – 4 minutes, until the  prosciutto has a golden brown colour. Place to one side.
  4. Still on the heat, pour in the vermouth and scrape the bottom of the pan to remove any crunchy bits and stir. Allow the liquid to reduce by a half, then add the chicken stock and lemon juice. Season well.
  5. Allow to reduce by a half again then return the escalopes to the pan, add the  remaining 25 g of butter and stir, coating the veal well on both sides. Allow the butter to melt, creating a wonderfully tasty jus, then plate up.
  6. Serve with sauté potatoes and cherry tomatoes. Drizzle some of the remaining jus over the saltimbocca.


If you like rich-tasing food, why not try our saffron rice dessert? Rich and creamy, it´s the perfect comfort food.

veal saltimbocca with jus
Veal saltimbocca with jus

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